So without further ado lets get to know the person behind the video camera....

Rider Name: Motordadcle
Real Name: Andrew
Location: Toronto Ontario, Canada
TFC: When did you start riding & why?
Andrew: I started riding around 3 and a half years ago. As to why, I think it was a mixture of a few things. I’ve always wanted to ride motorcycles from the first time I was on one. It was a 125cc dirtbike out in the woods. And it was amazing. I was suddenly 36 years old, with two kids, and hadn’t taken the leap. I guess it was partly an old age thing. Partly because I wanted my son and daughter to grow up around motorcycles, to give them that love as well. The other reason was that at my age, the older people in your family start to pass away. I’d experienced the loss of a few family members to old age and cancer and thought “what am I waiting for?” I took a course, got a bike and a license. Done.
TFC: How did you come by your rider name?
Andrew: I wanted something that had to do with who I was. Not the brand of bike I was on at the time, not something extreme that I’d out-grow. It’s really the word “motorcycle” with “dad” stuck in the middle. Motor-dad-cle. It’s lame. But it stuck.
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Graffiti wall mural behind the Toronto Chinese Archway as you enter Toronto's China Town East |
Andrew: Right now I am riding a 2009 Yamaha FZ6R in Cadmium Yellow. It’s a 600cc bike classified as a Sport-Touring. I’ve recently stripped the fairings off and converted her to a bad-ass streetfighter. I love this bike. It’s fast as heck and comfortable enough for long rides.
TFC: Does your bike have a name?
Andrew: Yep. Her name is Betty after Betty (the blonde) from Archie Comics. I loved reading Archie comics as a kid.
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Outside of Fort York, Toronto |
Andrew: I had started watching a motovlogger named Accidental Broadcast. He’s out in Hawaii and the views and insight into his culture and daily life were really inspiring. Toronto is no Hawaii, but I thought maybe someone out there would find it interesting.
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Full fairing Betty at Underpass Park, Toronto |
Andrew: I use a helmet mounted GoPro Hero 3+ Silver with a lav mic wired into my helmet. I also have a second camera that I can mount on the bars to give the perspective of myself while riding, that camera is a Sony AS15. I edit on a super old MacBook – the all white, fat one. It’s got enough RAM to run Adobe Premiere Pro, which is my edit software of choice.
TFC: What is the most challenging part of putting together your videos?
Andrew: Time. Subscribers need to realize - and a lot do - that this is a hobby for 99% of moto vloggers. I have a full-time job, a family to support, kids to manage, etc. Typically editing one 5-minute video takes me about 4 hours of work. That is hard to find every week. BUT, the reward of getting comments from people who value the effort and enjoy the content makes it all worthwhile.
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Andrew excited about the first ride of 2016 |
Andrew: I would say, do your own thing. I see a lot of motovloggers start out and they are basically doing what the big motovloggers are doing. Not copying but mimicking. Find something that excites YOU or something interesting about where YOU live or something that makes YOU unique. That will get you more comments than anything else. Also, don’t care about subscriber numbers. Don’t get me wrong, I love all my subs and value every single one, but I’m not doing this to get to 100K. I’m doing this in the hopes that some people out there get some enjoyment out of my work. If I made you smile, my jobs done.
The arches in front of Hart House, University of Toronto |
Andrew: I’d love to ride in Hawaii with Accidental Broadcast - such a beautiful place to just roam around on a dirt bike. The other place I’d love to go ride is Eastern Canada’s Cabot Trail – again, the scenic nature and winding roads are amazing.
TFC: Any last words or advice for motorcyclists?
Andrew: If you’re just getting your license, take a motorcycle safety course. It’s so good. After that practice a lot. Maybe take an advanced riding course too. The more prepared you are the longer you’ll be alive and able to ride.
Whatever you want to do in life – go and do it, right now. You have one life, and it’s yours to create and shape. So make it fun. Motorcycling is a community and a lifestyle, it’s the best feeling to be able to ride up to another biker anywhere and just start talking. It’s like you’re bonded just because you’re both on two wheels.
Check Motordadcle out for yourself! Subscribe, Like him, Leave him a comment!
Motordadcle YouTube channel
Motordadcle Swag

Twitter @motordadcle

If you are a Moto-Vlogger and are interested in getting featured on my new series you can find me on Twitter and send a DM to @theFrozenCanuck or you can email with your youTube channel. I will review your channel and as long as you meet my discriminating values I will contact you. I have to set some standards :)
Until next time....

Cruising through Life & Enjoying the Ride...