So today while doing my regular 'Twitter Good Morning' chirps with my Twitter Friends I came across a notification from The Tartan Visor who currently is doing the #22PushupChallenge to combat veteran stress.

*Blush* I have to admit, it was cool to hear my name mentioned in his vlog.
Well seeing I can't even remember the last time I even attempted to do a push-up and the fact that I am blogger not a vlogger I began to think that this challenge (one that I felt I needed to at least do something for because it is such a great cause) was going to present a few problems for me. So as not to disappoint my Tartan friend I decided to do this post to help spread the awareness and hopefully send a few more donations his way.
So what is it all about? The Tartan Visor is spreading awareness for veterans' mental health issues through raising donations on his moto-vlog. This particular charity is focused in the UK, however veterans from all over suffer the same debilitating symptoms of PTSD. All our veterans are important, so let's give back to these women and men who give so much of themselves for us.
For those of you who do not know about this charity challenge for veterans; it actually started in the United States at the beginning of 2016. It was a way to create awareness for veterans' mental health issues and PTSD while at the same time donating to the charity. The challenge is to get people to video themselves doing 22 push-ups and then donate to the charity.

So if any of my followers from Scotland are interested in donating and helping The Tartan Visor raise money for this cause here are all the links in one place:
The Tartan Visor Facebook
Bike Meet up info
The Tartan Visor -YouTube
Follow The Tartan Visor on Twitter @tartanvisor
About the Charity Combat Stress UK
Keep the rubber side down my Tartan Friend :) Great work!
I thought I should also provide these additional links:
PTSD Association of Canada
Getting fit(ter) for a good cause. Sounds great. I wonder if Rae McKenzie knows about this? She's another Canuck and she wrote a book about a 6-month road she did with her husband. He's an army and police veteran who has PTSD. I'll send her the link tot his post.